German experts worked in Ulaanbaatar

Peter Renzel (Vicemayor of Essen), Walter Popp (HyKoMed, Dortmund), Christine Schoppe (St. Elisabeth Gruppe Herne), Heike Kamphusmann (St. Elisabeth Gruppe Herne), Jorg Spors (Firebrigade Essen), Michael Rossburg (MVZ), Dr. Eberhard (Dortmund) and Annette Simonis (Charite, Berlin) worked in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 7-16th September 2019.

Fifth visit on the project (2018-2020) “Primär- und Sekundärprävention sowie aufsuchende Prävention bei Hepatitis B/C und Tuberkulose in der Mongolei“ („Primary and seconday prevention as well as visiting prevention of hepatitis B/C and tuberculosis in Mongolia“) funded by German Ministry of Health.

On September 10, they drove to Dalanzadgad, center of Southgobi aimag. They visited the aimag center hospital and met Mrs. Duumaam and the director of the hospital. They recommended persistent and similar hygiene for every sink.

They also visited Hanhongor sum hospital and met the director, epidemiologist and different further people. The sum has 1900 people, the hospital has 19 workers and 5 beds. They hold meetings in the sum center for medical activities, teaching, taking blood for screening etc.

In Southgobi aimag center, the hospital had a symposium 120 participants organized together with MNA and the hospital.

Peter Renzel, accompanied by all Germans, met UB mayor Amarsaikhan and head of the city health department, Dr. Tumurbaatar. They also met the new German ambassador Mr. Rosenberg and deputy ambassador Dr. Fernau.

If you would like to see more and Emergency Medical Service report, please visit Trip Report of September 2019