Hospital Hygiene Symposium was held

Prof. Dr. Walter Popp, HyKoMed, Dortmund Nouzha Maazouz, University Clinics Essen Prof. Dr. Heike Martiny, Charite, Berlin Anke Carter, MMM, Köln Klaus Wiese, CSSD, Johannes Hospital Dortmund Stella Nehr-Werner, Dentistry Sirona, Bensheim were visited in Ulaanbaatar, 15-22 September 2018.

The main purpose of this visit was the German-Mongolian Hospital Hygiene Symposium which took place on 19 and 20 September Ulaanbaatar. There were 150 participants on topic of “Hospital Hygiene” in the first day and 250 participants on topic of “Hygiene Dentistry in the second the day.

They had a visit to Sukhbataar District Hospital.

Two days training were organized in Hospital No 2. There was a MeshHp meeting with main topic the trip to Germany in November which will be done by 11 people. Prof Walter had a meeting with Dr. Altantuya and Dr. Bodart from ADB.

Please find more information from Trip Report of September 2018