Visit to Health Centers in aimags

Prof. Dr. Walter Popp, Dr. Jan Kehrmann, Prof. Dr. Heike Martiny worked in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 14-22 nd June, 2019.

Third visit on the project (2018-2020) “Primär- und Sekundärprävention sowie aufsuchende Prävention bei Hepatitis B/C und Tuberkulose in der Mongolei“ („Primary and seconday prevention as well as visiting prevention of hepatitis B/C and tuberculosis in Mongolia“) funded by German Ministry of Health.

Firstly, the plan was to fly to Khovd aimag but due to weather conditions, the team was not able to do so. Instead, they decided to go to Dornogobi. Prof. Dr. Popp and his team had a trip to Sainshand, capital of Dornogobi aimag. They visited the Aimag Health Center and the Aimag Hospital. They gave appropriate recommendations and tips regarding the medical technologies and the hospital hygiene.

Back in UB, Prof. Dr. Popp visited the new University Clinics which is going to open in October. Jan Kehrmann presented a half day training about tuberculosis with around 100 participants.

MeshHp held a meeting with Raushan Mamatkulov and talked about the new projects of ADB, also in emergency medicine.

If you would like to learn more about the trip, please see the trip report.

Trip Report of June 2019